Deformity Correction/Limb Reconstruction Experience
The limb deformity service sees patients at both the St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Shriner’s Hospital for Children–St. Louis and is staffed by J. Eric Gordon, MD, Perry Schoenecker, MD, and Mark Miler, MD, three attendings with extensive experience in treating and evaluating extremity deformities. We are a referral center accepting patients from a large drawing area including the nine state area surrounding Missouri as well as international patients. Patients present with a wide range of pathology including congenital and acquired deformities. Fellows participate in cases from both hospitals and are involved in evaluation, planning and surgical treatment as well as postoperative care. Correction of deformities includes acute as well as gradual correction, physeal modification and lengthening.
Each pediatric orthopedic fellow should expect to be involved in placing multiple circular external fixators and self-lengthening intramedullary nailsas well as acute correction of angulatory and rotational deformities utilizing Intramedullary nails and plates. In addition to clinical experience, the limb deformity service has two limb deformity conferences which are specifically directed toward the fellows per month with both didactic and case based learning opportunities. At the conclusion of the fellowship, the Fellow should expect to be proficient in treating congenital and acquired limb length discrepancy as well as evaluating and treating complex uniapical and multiapial deformities.
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