Multidisciplinary Complex Nerve Clinic

We offer a Multidisciplinary Complex Nerve Clinic that is dedicated to the nonoperative and operative treatment of patients with complex nerve injuries. This unique service provides:
- Team-based, multidisciplinary approach from the disciplines of physiatry, electrodiagnostics, neuroradiology, hand therapy, orthopedic surgery, and peripheral nerve surgery.
- Patient-centered care, providing comprehensive treatment at a single location tailored to the patients needs.
Our Team
The team includes Christopher Dy, MD, MPH, David Brogan, MD, MSc, Nathan P. Olafsen, MD (physical medicine and rehabilitation; electrodiagnostician and sonographer), Wilson Z. Ray, MD (neurosurgery), Macyn Stonner, OTD, CHT (hand therapy) and Emina Mukic, LPN (complex nerve clinic nurse). This specialized clinic allows us to work collaboratively and provide a one-of-a-kind patient experience.
Treatment Approach
We provide a clinical experience where patients can be evaluated for their nerve injury, undergo diagnostic testing (including EMG, nerve conduction testing, and ultrasound), and receive treatment from a hand therapist during a single visit. Hear more about our treatment approach from Dr. Brogan:
Commonly Treated Conditions
- Brachial plexus and upper extremity nerve injury
- Lower extremity nerve injury
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Recurrent or persistent symptoms after prior peripheral nerve surgery
Patient Stories