Trapeziectomy and CMC Arthroplasty

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Postoperative Guidelines

  • Your splint/dressing should remain on until your first postoperative visit which will be 8-14 days after surgery and will be on your discharge paperwork.
  • Your splint and sutures will be removed at the first postoperative visit, and you will be placed in a forearm-based thumb spica cast for 2-3 weeks.
  • Begin active finger range of motion immediately after surgery, except your thumb.
  • After your cast is removed, a removable splint will be placed by your Hand Therapist; you will begin therapy for active and progressive passive motion and strengthening.
  • Please remember these outlines are guidelines only. Your care may differ from the typical outlines provided. Please talk to your surgeon or your surgeon’s nurse or medical assistant if you have any questions about your postoperative care. If you have any questions, please call our office at (314) 514-3500.

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