Medical Massage Therapy
What is medical massage therapy?
Medical massage therapy is the treatment of health conditions diagnosed by a medical provider, delivered by a licensed massage therapist with specialized training. Medical massage therapy differs from general massage therapy because the therapists have advanced training and experience that allows them to provide care focused on healing injuries, decreasing pain, and improving function. Collaboration with physicians and health care practitioners provides the best environment for the patient’s healing.
How does it work?
A full history will be taken and physical evaluation will be done on the first visit so that the treatment can be individualized to the patient’s needs. A treatment plan will be established with the patient’s goals in mind. Patients often experience immediate increased range of motion and pain relief after the first visit.
Why choose the WashU Living Well Center® for Medical Massage Therapy?
The focus of the medical massage therapists at the Living Well Center is to reduce chronic pain. They are experts specifically in the treatment of myofascial pain, and have a deep understanding of the fascial system and stay updated on the latest research to inform their treatment. They have advanced training in the Stecco Fascial Manipulation method and Myofascial Release, which assists in providing excellent care for orthopedic conditions and myofascial pain.
Is it covered by insurance?
Currently, STAR Physical Therapy does not bill massage therapy visits to health insurance. Massage therapy may eligible for coverage by some healthcare flexible spending accounts (FSA) or health savings accounts (HSA).
How much does it cost?
$157.50 for the 90-minute initial evaluation and treatment. Each 60-minute session thereafter will be $105.00 per hour.
How do I schedule an appointment?
Medical massage at the Living Well Center is performed at STAR Physical Therapy. A referral is required for medical massage. If you're a current Living Well Center patient and medical massage is part of your treatment plan, our providers can provide you with a referral. If you aren't a Living Well Center patient, any care provider (physiatrist, primary care physician, etc.) can provide you with a referral as well. Once you’ve received a referral, please call (314) 996-3050 to schedule an appointment.