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Pediatric Congenital Hand Conditions
Washington University Orthopedics is the largest and most experienced team of hand and wrist surgeons in the region, seeing over 7500 pediatric orthopedic hand visits per year at both St. Louis Children’s Hospital and Shriners Hospitals for Children - St. Louis.
We are ranked among the best pediatric orthopedic centers in the United States, and many of our physicians are listed among the Best Doctors in St. Louis.
Meet Our Pediatric Hand Physicians
Physicians that specialize in the care of pediatric congenital hand deformities are Charles Goldfarb, MD, Co-Chief of Hand and Wrist Service and Chief of Pediatric and Adolescent Orthopedic Surgery, and Lindley Wall, MD. Drs. Goldfarb and Wall are fellowship-trained, and are nationally and internationally recognized for their extensive experience in treating all congenital and traumatic pediatric hand and upper extremity injuries and conditions.
Additionally, Dr. Goldfarb writes a blog on congenital hand and arm differences, demystifying abnormalities of the hand and wrist that children may experience from the time of birth.
A child is evaluated soon after birth for congenital hand conditions. During the evaluation, a diagnosis is made and additional testing may be required, such as a cardiac echogram or hematologic testing. Our pediatric hand specialists treat all types of congenital and traumatic pediatric hand and upper extremity conditions, including:
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