Operative Experience
Pediatric orthopedics fellows at Washington University will participate in operative procedures at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Shriners Hospital for Children — Saint Louis, St. Louis Children's Hospital Specialty Care Center, and Barnes Jewish Hospital. In total, our practice completed over 3500 pediatric orthopedic surgeries in 2023.
The Pediatric Orthopedic Fellowship at Washington University provides comprehensive operative experience in a variety of subspecialties including pediatric and adolescent spine surgery, foot and ankle surgery, complex hip procedures, neuromuscular orthopedic surgery, sports medicine, limb deformity, pediatric trauma, and upper extremity.
The operative experience of fellows is both unique in complexity of procedures performed and in the number of operative procedures available. Over the past 5 years, each of our previous pediatric orthopedic fellows at our institution have participated in 600-700 surgical procedures during their fellowship.
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